Art-based Training Methods for Empowering Adults in the Digital Era (ATMEADE)



KA220-ADU - Cooperation partnerships in adult education

Project title: Art-based Training Methods for Empowering Adults in the Digital Era

Project acronym: ATMEADE

National Agency: Nationale Agentur Bildung für Europa beim Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung

Project code: 2021-1-DE02-KA220-ADU-000029772

Participating organisations:
Bridgeworks e.v. (Germany)
Echodrama Cultural Group (Greece)
zakk gGmbH (Germany)
association Act'DEM (Actions Diversité Echanges Mixité) (France)




The ATMEADE project reinforced the response of adult training to one of the main challenges of today’s world: the need for creation of inclusive environments where socially aware people can peacefully co-exist through mutual understanding and respect for diversity and inclusion.

This project aimed to provide adult trainers in art and culture with alternative art-based methods which will help adult learners, including adults with fewer opportunities, raise social awareness and better conceptualise social values.

This project responded to the cultural participating organisations’ need for the use of innovative digital tools by cooperating with the technological partner (NTUA), and also responded to NTUA’s need to enable its researchers’ capability to create 3D software for projects with a social footprint.

The participating organisations also addressed the needs to enhance: professional development for their staff, synergies with organisations active in different fields, and capacity to work at the EU level.

The needs and expectations of all the participating organisations were addressed by the objectives and the corresponding outcomes of the project, and were met through its implementation.

The project included the following activities: 3 transnational meetings, creation of two project results, 3 short-term joint staff training activities, 3 multiplier events, management activities, research activities, virtual communication and training activities, activities for the sharing, promotion and sustainability of the project results, as well as quality assurance and evaluation activities.



The project aimed to achieve the following objectives:

  1. to foster innovative synergies between formal education (university) and the cultural and creative sector,
  2. to enhance the capacity of adult trainers in art and culture to help adult learners, including those with fewer opportunities, develop social awareness, mutual understanding and respect for inclusion and diversity, by using art-based methods,
  3. to enhance the capacity of adult trainers in art and culture to strengthen the ability of adult learners, including those with fewer opportunities, to conceptualise social and humanistic values stemming from philosophical, sociological and psychological texts, by using the borderless language of expressive kinesiology,
  4. to support organisations and adult trainers in art and culture to exploit opportunities offered by digital technologies,
  5. to enhance the access of open source digital tools to adult trainers and learners, including those with fewer opportunities,
  6. to promote equal opportunities and access, inclusion and diversity across all the stages of the project by involving participants with fewer opportunities,
  7. to reinforce cooperation with partners from other countries and other fields of education and training.



 The project produced two concrete outputs-results: PR1 and PR2.


“PR1 – Kinetic methodology for social awareness” includes:

- The creation of a digital handbook with interactive linking with video tutorials for adult trainers in art and culture on how to use a kinetic methodology, expressing feelings and emotions stemming from philosophical, sociological and psychological texts in order to help adults raise social awareness and conceptualise values such as mutual understanding and respect for inclusion and diversity.

- The development of a case study by using the kinetic methodology, expressing feelings and emotions stemming from certain philosophical, sociological and psychological texts.


“PR2 – DigitMove” includes:

- The creation of a digital handbook with interactive linking with a video tutorials for adult trainers in art and culture on how to use specialised software for online/distance teaching of the kinetic methodology, which expresses emotions and feelings inspired by social and humanistic values.

- The development of a virtual case study by using the kinetic methodology, expressing feelings and emotions stemming from certain philosophical, sociological and psychological texts.



An important part of this project is the transnational project meetings during the implementation phase. These meetings are the following:

M1. One transnational project meeting (M1) between BRIDGEWORKS e.V. (leading organisation of M1) and all the other participating organisations. It took place in Germany, on 12.03.2022. Two staff members from each participating organisation participated in this meeting.

The goals of this meeting were:

- to refine the detailed timetable of activities, which will define realistic targets and deadlines with partners to monitor progress and to align sharing, promoting and using project results activities with key stages of the project;

- to refine the project documentation forms, the Quality Assurance Plan and the Risk Assessment Plan, including measures to ensure that the project implementation is of high quality, completed in time and on budget. The Quality Assurance Plan will also include methods of internal and external evaluation, a sample questionnaire, a report plan and a plan for reviewing the project’s results;

- to further define the expected impact and deliverables;

- to refine the plan for sharing, promoting and using project results activities, including, among others, how and to whom these activities will be addressed;

- to agree on realistic targets and deadlines with partners to monitor progress.



M2. One transnational project meeting (M2) between ZAKK (leading organisation of M2) and all the other participating organisations. It took place in Germany on 03.04.2022. Two staff members from each cultural organisation participated in this transnational project meeting. In preparation of this meeting, a series of online meetings and video conferences among the participating staff of the participating organisations, the associated partners and other researchers and scholars in sociology, psychology and philosophy, took place. During these online meetings and video conferences, ideas were proposed for selecting appropriate texts which promote the values of mutual understanding, tolerance and respect for diversity and inclusion.

The goal of Transnational Project Meeting M2 was the selection of the sociological, psychological and philosophical texts which were used for inspiring the two project results (PR1 and PR2).



M3. One transnational project meeting (M3) between ACT’DEM (leading organisation of M3) and all the other participating organisations. It took place in France on 08.05.2023. Two staff members from each cultural participating organisation and 1 member from the technological partner (NATIONAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS - NTUA) participated in this meeting.

The goal of Transnational Project Meeting M3 was the presentation of all the completed project results and their evaluation by all partners.





1. DIGITAL HANDBOOK "PR1 – Kinetic methodology for social awareness"

As a response to the global need of today’s world for creation of inclusive environments where socially aware people can peacefully co-exist, Project Result PR1 (“PR1 – Kinetic methodology for social awareness”) promotes the enhancement of the skills and competences of adult trainers in art and culture to help adult learners, including those with fewer opportunities, to develop social awareness, tolerance, mutual understanding and respect for inclusion and diversity through art-based methods.

More specifically, a kinetic methodology was created, including structured improvisation and experience-based movements, which expresses emotions and feelings inspired by social and humanistic values stemming from philosophical, sociological and psychological texts, and will help adult learners to conceptualise values such as tolerance, mutual understanding and respect for inclusion and diversity. The borderless language of kinesiology comprises a learning method capable of being used in training for adults with learning barriers, including adults with fewer opportunities, because of linguistic and cultural inclusion difficulties.

Project Result PR1 includes:

- The creation of a digital handbook with interactive linking with video tutorials for adult trainers in art and culture on how to use structured improvisation and experience-based movements in order to conceptualise values such as  tolerance, mutual understanding and respect for inclusion and diversity, stemming from philosophical, sociological and psychological texts.

- The development of a case study (video) by using the kinetic methodology, expressing feelings and emotions stemming from certain philosophical, sociological and psychological texts.

The direct target group includes:

- adult trainers in art and culture,

- cultural organisations,

- organisations for people with fewer opportunities,

- humanistic organisations.

The indirect target group includes all the adults, including non-artist adults, adults with fewer opportunities and adults with learning barriers.

Expected impact:

- Improved skills and competences to train adults in conceptualising social and humanistic values through art-based methods.

- Improved capacity in training adults with learning barriers, including adults with fewer opportunities, by using the borderless language of expressive kinesiology.

- Enhanced access of open source art-based methods, thus reducing disparities and promoting social inclusion.



PR1 – Kinetic methodology for social awareness



As a response to the global need of today’s world for creation of inclusive environments where socially aware people can peacefully co-exist, Project Result PR2 (“PR2 – DigitMove”) promotes the enhancement of the skills and competences of adult trainers in art and culture to help adult learners, including those with fewer opportunities, to develop social awareness, tolerance, mutual understanding and respect for inclusion and diversity through art-based methods using innovative 3D digital tools.

 “PR2 – DigitMove” includes:

- The study, analysis, design, implementation and testing of an innovative framework for the digitisation, modeling and graphic presentation of a kinetic methodology which express emotions and feelings inspired by social and humanistic values stemming from philosophical, sociological and psychological texts.

- The creation of a digital handbook with interactive linking with a video tutorials for adult trainers in art and culture on how to use specialised software for online/distance teaching of the kinetic methodology.

- The development of a virtual case study by using the kinetic methodology, expressing feelings and emotions stemming from certain philosophical, sociological and psychological texts.

The direct target group includes:

- adult trainers in art and culture,

- cultural organisations,

- organisations for people with fewer opportunities,

- humanistic organisations.

The indirect target group includes all the adults, including non-artist adults, adults with fewer opportunities and adults with learning barriers.

Expected Impact:

- Increased digital competences in using online/distance teaching and learning tools, including 3D virtual software.

- Improved capacity to integrate new digital methods into their work with an innovative use of digital tools.

- Improved skills and competences to train adults in conceptualising social and humanistic values through art-based methods using innovative digital tools.

- Enhanced access of open source digital tools, thus reducing disparities and promoting social inclusion.



PR2 – DigitMove




E1. This Multiplier Event took place in Athens, Greece, on 22.10.2023 and included:

- lectures,

- open discussions,

- presentations of the two Project Results (PR1 and PR2),

- evaluation of the Project Results and of the impact on the target group participating in the event through questionnaires distributed to the audience.

The target group of this Multiplier Event included:

- representatives of associated partners,

- cultural organisations,

- organisations for people with fewer opportunities,

- humanistic organisations,

- adult trainers in art and culture, including adult trainers with fewer opportunities,

- representatives of local and regional government,

- representatives of the press and the media.

The objective of this Multiplier Event was the sharing and promotion of the project results PR1 and PR2 and the evaluation of the project results and of the impact of the event on the target group.




E2. This Multiplier Event took place in Paris, France, on 08.05.2023 and included:

- lectures,

- open discussions,

- presentations of the two Project Results (PR1 and PR2),

- evaluation of the Project Results and of the impact on the target group participating in the event through questionnaires distributed to the audience.

The target group of this Multiplier Event included:

- representatives of associated partners,

- cultural organisations,

- organisations for people with fewer opportunities,

- humanistic organizations,

- adult trainers in art and culture, including adult trainers with fewer opportunities,

- representatives of local and regional government,

- representatives of the press and the media.

The objective of this Multiplier Event was the sharing and promotion of the project results PR1 and PR2 and the evaluation of the project results and of the impact of the event on the target group.




E3. This Multiplier Event took place in Düsseldorf, Germany, on 30.10.2023 and included:

- lectures,

- open discussions,

- presentations of the two Project Results (PR1 and PR2),

- evaluation of the Project Results and of the impact on the target group participating in the event through questionnaires distributed to the audience.

The target group of this Multiplier Event included:

- representatives of associated partners,

- cultural organisations,

- organisations for people with fewer opportunities,

- humanistic organizations,

- adult trainers in art and culture, including adult trainers with fewer opportunities,

- representatives of local and regional government,

- representatives of the press and the media.

The objective of this Multiplier Event were the sharing and promotion of the project results PR1 and PR2 and the evaluation of the project results and of the impact of the event on the target group.




C1. Short-term joint staff training event in Greece

This short-term joint staff training event (C1) was organised by ECHODRAMA CULTURAL GROUP in Greece. Nine (9) trainers in art and culture from the participating cultural organizations (2 of them were trainers with fewer opportunities) and one (1) researcher from NTUA met in Greece for 8 days, from 18.08.2022 to 25.08.2022. Because of the character of this activity, the staff training event did not take place at the premises of ECHODRAMA CULTURAL GROUP but at a well-equipped cultural centre that was offered free of charge by the associated partner Municipality of Skiathos.

After the selection of the appropriate philosophical, sociological and psychological texts, each cultural organisation was responsible for interpreting certain texts into a series of structured improvisation and experience-based movements. Feelings and emotions inspired by social and humanistic values stemming from these texts were transformed into movements. Through this kinetic methodology, the meanings of the texts were enhanced into a total experience, promoting the social and humanistic concepts of these texts and strengthening the ability of the adult learners to conceptualise them.

In this event, the staff of the participating cultural organisations brought all the created material related to the research and implementation of the kinetic methodology. The staff decided on the final material which was be embedded in the tutorial videos, as part of Project Result PR1 (“PR1 – Kinetic methodology for social awareness”). Also, in this training event, a case study was created by all the cultural organisations, which included the kinetic methodology interpreting social and humanistic values inspired by certain texts.

The researcher of the university partner observed all the stages of the creation of the kinetic methodology and captured motion data to create the 3D application.

The methods and guidelines developed in this training event led to the production of the digital handbook “PR1 – Kinetic methodology for social awareness”.

The goals and expected results of this activity were:

- to enhance the capacity of adult trainers in art and culture to help adult learners, including those with fewer opportunities, develop social awareness, tolerance, mutual understanding and respect for inclusion and diversity, by using art-based methods,

- to enhance the capacity of adult trainers in art and culture to strengthen the ability of adult learners, including those with learning barriers and fewer opportunities, to conceptualise social and humanistic values stemming from philosophical, sociological and psychological texts, by using the borderless language of expressive kinesiology.



C2. Short-term joint staff training event in Germany

This short-term joint staff training event (C2) was organised by BRIDGEWORKS e.V. in Germany. Eight (8) trainers in art and culture from the participating cultural organizations (including 2 trainers with fewer opportunities) and 1 researcher from the NATIONAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS participated and met in BRIDGEWORKS’ premises for 4 days, from 30.01.2023 to 02.02.2023.

The staff member specialized in digital technology trained the staff members of the cultural organisations on how to use the 3D application to online/distance training, using the kinetic methodology . During this training event, a presentation of the software and the 3D application was presented. A testing of this application was part of this training event.

NTUA presented the 3D virtual application, which included:

i. Creation of virtual reality (VR) scenes of captured 3D motion data from the kinetic methodology and develops an application for visualization of the vocabulary of the kinetic methodology with 3D graphic display methods, enriched with animations and graphical environments.

ii. Implementation of a virtual reality application for practice, using the recorded and digitized kinetic methodology with simultaneous recording of the users and its projection, in real-time, in a graphical environment.

Also, in this training event, a virtual case study was created by using the kinetic methodology.

The goals and expected results of this activity were:

- to foster innovative synergies between formal education (university) and the cultural and creative sector,

- to support the participating organisations and adult trainers in art and culture to exploit opportunities offered by digital technologies and to integrate new digital methods into daily work,

- to enhance the access of open source digital tools to adult trainers and learners, including those with fewer opportunities, thus reducing disparities and promoting social inclusion,

- to reinforce cooperation with partners from other countries and other fields of education and training.



C3. Short-term joint staff training event in Greece

This activity (C3) was organised by ECHODRAMA CULTURAL GROUP in Greece. It took place at a well-equipped cultural centre that was offered free of charge by the associated partner Municipality of Skiathos.

In this activity, one staff members from BRIDGEWORKS, one staff member from ECHODRAMA CULTURAL GROUP, one staff member from ZAKK and one staff member from NTUA participated for 10 days, from 12.09.2023 to 22.09.2023.

The goal of this activity was to evaluate the impact of the project results and outcomes on the participating organisation and the target group.



1. PR1 – Kinetic methodology for social awareness

2. PR2 – DigitMove




Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Copyright 2023 - Art-based Training Methods for Empowering Adults in the Digital Era (ATMEADE)